How does a press release work?
Welcome to the 24-hour news cycle, where daily newspapers, round-the-clock TV stations and thousands of news blogs compete to feed our voracious appetite for the latest, most engaging and most outrageous news.
Every day isn’t a big news day, so journalists sometimes scramble to fill airtime and column space with fresh and timely stories. That’s where press releases come in.
Examples of press releases include:
- A company opens a local branch, bringing new jobs
- A nonprofit organization sponsors a nationwide service project
- An author publishes a new book on a hotly debated topic
- University scientists announce study results
- A theater group performs its new play
- An automotive manufacturer announces a new model with high-tech features
Public relations (or PR) professionals write press releases to catch journalists’ attention, which will hopefully result in a widely read or viewed story that enhances the client’s image.
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